Contact Us:
(909) 882-7540
(909) 804-0123

Cell Phones:

Roy Negrete
(909) 754-1180

Gloria Negrete
(909) 754-1179

Main Office:
445 W. 59th St. San Bernardino, CA 92407

Letters from Students

Dear Roy and Gloria,

I wanted to thank you both of you for your warm generosity, concern and hospitality. I appreciate the fact that you both  were so considerate of my feelings and ensuring my comfort. You didn't have to lend me your CD player or handkerchief, but you did, thank you. I admire your warm spirited personalities; it isn't so easy to be cheerful at 3:00am. Thank you for allowing me to ride first class and offering me food before arriving here at Ascent. I know you both weren't required to do what you did and for that I am very grateful. Thank you so much and I wish both of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.



Dear Roy and Gloria,

A, J & C all miss you, unfortunately we couldn't see you. Just wanted to say Hello and tell you that we miss you. Please come visit more often. Hope that everything is well with you both.

Love alwayz,

A, C and J